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Evinrude Johnson Lower Unit 2 cyl 1993-2005 #435280

Evinrude Johnson Lower Unit 2 cyl 1993-2005 #435280


Weight 50 lbs

Price=$2,195 less $300 refundable core*=   $1,895 final cost
Lower Unit for Evinrude Outboard 2 Cylinder, 2 Stroke
OEM # 435280, Remanufactured

Evinrude Certified Master Tech Logo


Fits: Evinrude Johnson Outboards
2 Cylinder,
Years: 1993-2005,
40 – 50 Horse Power
2 Stroke Lower Unit.
OEM #435280.

1 Year Warranty.

Outdrives rebuilt by Certified Mechanics in the USA.
OEM Parts.

Does not include upper driveshaft or shift rod.
Order upper driveshaft & shift rod separately if needed.

Price=$2,195 less $300 refundable core*=   $1,895 final cost

*$300 core deposit is eligible for refund once your old core is returned to us.

Get $ back, recycle your lower unitSee our Core Policy for details on how to recycle your core & receive your core deposit back.
Refund amounts vary based on condition of your core.

Our remanufactured products are finished in gray primer & come with a can of factory spray paint to finish if desired.

Call 913-342-0011 for assistance. Please have your engine serial number available if possible.

How to find your serial number

US Boatworks- Quality Lower Unit Remanufacturing for over 40 years.